Sunny Days! today is anyway. Where I live we have been spared this winter. Only got -23C a few times, average about -15c then the tease of 4C. My virtual friends to the west, well they have had it
much worse, but they are all chap wearing cowgirls and rodeo on!
I amaze myself, 5 blog days! Thank you to ALL who visit, it really makes my day✨✨
Day 5......... 29 Faces 2016
Vulgarity is no Substitute for Wit.....Dame Maggie Smith
I hope to visit Blogland during the weekend! Be safe, Comfy & Smile!
Lovely drawing today! Actually, the winter's been exceptionally mild out west here too. I haven't plugged my car in once!
ReplyDeleteThe snow's practically all gone down here - damn chinooks! :D
DeleteLove her eyes!!
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful :) xx
ReplyDeleteI love that hair and makeup!
ReplyDeleteNo snow here at all!!!
ReplyDeleteThis one is really, really special!!! I love her Debi!!!
such a lovely face
ReplyDeleteand very elegant hand!