#29faces is now complete! That only took me several attempts!
Long time virtual friends and new virtual friends gave the steam ( wonderful comments all month)
to melt my lizard brain and " shake it off"! I am grateful to each and everyone, truly! You curbed my procrastination and silenced negative critical tenancy.
Day 28..............
OH NO......almost done!
Day 29!!!!!!!............... You All are ROYALTY to me! Thank you xoxo
Thank you to Ayala Art.....for hosting a magnificent event! Congratulations on YET
Another Successful year! 29 Faces 2016 !!!!!!
Special thank you and a bucket of hugs to Pen Parker for inspiring me each and everyday
and quietly holding me to the challenge! xo
To each warm, supportive comment each day from " creative hearts" true xoxoxoxo
Huge Hug of xoxoxo..Debi
don't forget to visit , I'm always up to something!